Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Greetings from PA 2.8.09

Believe it or not, this is the first time I have traveled by myself! I flew from GB with a layover in Detroit to Philadelphia, rented a car, and drove to the middle of nowhere without a hitch—yay for me haha

“unfortunately” (hee hee) the only economy car the rental place had was a sebring convertible….i guess I’ll tough it out;)

Why am I in PA? I’m doing a commercial poultry rotation at the university of pennsylvania’s school of veterinary medicine (b/c they have a good program, I hear). Last year I applied for and received a stipend from the American association of avian pathologist, so luckily, I don’t have to pay for this trip. Oh, and I also got this rotation to count for a required rotation so it’s like I’m killing two birds with one stone…unfortunately, I’ll be killing many birds on this trip (which you’ll read about later) .

At UPenn, the large animal hospital is ~45 min outside of Philadelphia (away from the main campus) in the middle of nowhere. The students stay in the dorms built for them, as am I. I’m rooming with a UPenn student, who is very nice.

I’m going to try to keep a detailed log of this trip for my own sanity (I have a feeling it’s going to be emotionally taxing) and for some friends who are interested in the details.

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