so many credits forcing you to learn things at break-neck speed, only to regurgitate them for the exam and then immediately forget it all so you can start cramming for the next exam. Never have i been so afraid of failing (well, i actually did fail a class, but b/c most of the class failed, i passed--it's that grand?).
On top of horrible school, i had to euthanize my three rats, Tot, Whiskey and Tony, within two months of each other during the last part of the semester. It was very hard for me and i miss them terribly--they were incredible animals:) I've posted pictures...Tot is thumbnail to the right, and the white/brown one posted below, Tony is the beige one and has droopy ears (story at the bottom), and whiskey is the smaller beige one below.
but enough of that depressing crap--it's over and here i am in fourth year!!! WOO HOO!!!
p.s. I NEED to tell this awesome story about tony....
Tony had horrible pneumonia and was pretty much dying for two weeks (the week before and the week of my finals), but he was still eating and interactive and wasn't ready to go yet. So one day during finals week, I'm studying for my large animal surgery final. You have to understand this class--this is the class i failed--it had a cumulative final over 600 pages of notes and each exam was more impossible than the next. To top that off, the professor had just been an asshole to me--so I'm not having a good couple of weeks. So i'm studying and i have Tony set up on my desk with his houses and everything so he can visit while i study.
All of a sudden, Tony violently grabs my notes from my desk and drags them back to his house and beings to shred them for a nest. Tony has never once "nested" in his life (i always had to make him a comfy house with blankets or he would freeze at night!) and now he suddenly started destroying my
Hahhaha I love those pics, of Tony eating the notes. He was such a cute little guy. Oh and hey I've learned something. You know how they all had hind limb paresis? Apparently that can be a sign of a pituitary tumor, and its pretty common...we did an MRI of a girl's rat here to look but its hard to find normal measurements for a rat pituitary on an MRI...go figure!
yeah, i knew pituitary tumor could cause hindlimb paresis...but usually you see head tilt too...there's also "idiopathic spinal nerve root degeneration" that was high on my ddx but who knows
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